The Ultimate Handbook to CPT Modifiers: 25, 24, 57, 27


Modifier 25:


Modifier 25 is a code utilized in medical billing to indicate that a significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management (E/M) service was provided by a healthcare professional on the same day as another procedure or service. This code is used to signify that the E/M service was distinct and separate from any other procedures or services performed during the same visit.


Using Modifier 25 enables healthcare providers to bill for both the E/M service and the additional procedure or service provided during the same encounter, indicating that both were necessary and distinct. This helps ensure accurate billing and reimbursement for the services rendered.


When to Modifier 25 in Medical Coding / Billing?

  1. Routine Physical Exam with an Additional Service: Suppose a patient comes in for a routine physical exam, which is typically considered preventive care and does not require a separate billing code. However, during the same visit, the patient expressed concerns about a recurring migraine. If the physician performs a detailed evaluation of the migraine and provides treatment or management advice, they may use Modifier 25 to indicate that the evaluation and management of the migraine was a separate service from the routine physical exam.
  2. Procedure with Additional Evaluation and Management: Suppose a patient goes to a dermatologist to have a suspicious mole removed. However, during the same appointment, the dermatologist also examines a new skin issue that needs a separate evaluation, like diagnosing and treating a rash. In such a scenario, the dermatologist may use Modifier 25 to indicate that the evaluation and treatment of the rash were separate from the mole removal procedure.

In both examples, Modifier 25 should be added to the billing code for the evaluation and management service to indicate that it was a separately identifiable service provided on the same day as another procedure or service.


Let’s consider a scenario involving a patient with diabetes:

Scenario: A patient who has diabetes went for a follow-up appointment with their primary care physician to manage their condition. During the visit, the physician conducted a thorough examination of the patient, reviewed their blood glucose records, discussed modifications to their diet and exercise routine, and adjusted their insulin dosage accordingly. However, the patient also complained of a sore throat and mild fever during the same appointment. The physician evaluated the sore throat and diagnosed the patient with a minor upper respiratory tract infection after checking for signs of infection.

In this scenario, the primary care physician has performed two separate services during the same visit:

  1. The physician needs to manage the patient’s diabetes by evaluating, discussing, and adjusting their insulin dosage. Additionally, they need to evaluate and diagnose a minor upper respiratory tract infection. To indicate that the evaluation and management of the respiratory infection were separate from the ongoing care and management of the patient’s diabetes during the same encounter, the physician can use Modifier 25.


Modifier 24:


Modifier 24 is used in medical coding to indicate that an unrelated evaluation and management (E/M) service was provided by the same physician or healthcare provider during a postoperative period.

When a patient undergoes a surgical procedure, there’s a postoperative period during which any related follow-up care or services necessary for the surgery’s success are often included in the global surgical package. However, if the patient requires an E/M service that is unrelated to the surgery during this postoperative period, Modifier 24 is used to signify that the service is distinct and separate from the surgical procedure.

For instance, if a patient who recently had surgery for a broken arm returns for a follow-up but also complains of symptoms unrelated to the arm injury, like a fever or gastrointestinal issues, and the physician evaluates and manages these separate symptoms, Modifier 24 might be used to indicate that the E/M service for the non-arm-related issues is distinct from the surgical follow-up care.

It’s important to note that the use of Modifier 24 requires clear documentation in the patient’s medical records to support the necessity and distinctiveness of the unrelated E/M service during the postoperative period.


Let’s consider an example involving a patient who recently underwent a surgical procedure:

Scenario: After a patient has a skin lesion removed by a dermatologist, there is a period during which the patient receives follow-up care related to the surgery. This period is known as the postoperative period and is included in the surgical package. However, during this period, the patient scheduled a follow-up visit due to a persistent cough and shortness of breath. The dermatologist examined the patient’s skin incision to ensure that it was healing well but also conducted a separate examination to address the patient’s respiratory symptoms.

In this scenario:

  • As part of the routine postoperative care, the skin incision is examined, while the evaluation of cough and shortness of breath is unrelated to the surgery. To distinguish between services related to the surgery and those addressing an unrelated health concern, the dermatologist may use Modifier 24. This modifier helps in identifying the postoperative care of the surgical incision as separate and distinct from the management of respiratory symptoms.


Modifier 27:


Modifier 27 is a medical coding term that refers to a specific modifier used to indicate multiple outpatient hospital evaluation and management (E/M) encounters for the same patient on the same date in a hospital setting.


In the outpatient setting, patients may receive multiple separate E/M services or encounters on the same day. Hospitals can use Modifier 27 to signify these services when they are for different departments, specialties, or distinct episodes of care within the hospital, but all occur on a single day.


Modifier 27 is particularly relevant in hospitals where patients move through different departments or units, requiring distinct evaluations or treatments within a single day. This modifier helps differentiate and indicate the separate outpatient E/M services provided to the patient on that specific day in the hospital setting for billing and documentation purposes.


Let’s consider a scenario involving multiple outpatient encounters for a patient within a hospital setting:


Scenario: A patient arrived at the hospital’s outpatient department early in the morning with complaints of abdominal pain. The emergency department physician conducted an outpatient E/M service to assess the patient’s condition. After the initial evaluation, the patient was referred to the gastroenterology department for further assessment. Later in the day, the gastroenterologist conducted a separate outpatient E/M service to investigate the abdominal pain and decided to schedule the patient for an endoscopy procedure.

In this scenario:

  • The patient visited the hospital twice on the same day, once to see the emergency department physician and the other to see the gastroenterologist. Both visits were for distinct evaluation and management services related to abdominal pain. To ensure accurate billing and documentation, the hospital may use Modifier 27 on each separate outpatient encounter, indicating that there were distinct encounters for the same patient on the same day. This helps to avoid any confusion and accurately documents the services provided by the emergency department physician and gastroenterologist.



Modifier 57:


Modifier 57 is used in medical coding to indicate that an evaluation and management (E/M) service resulted in the decision to perform a major surgical procedure.

This modifier is applied to an E/M service provided by a physician or qualified healthcare professional on the day of, or the day before, a major surgery when the E/M service leads to the decision to proceed with surgery. It signifies that the E/M service was significant and resulted in the determination that surgery was necessary.

It’s important to note that Modifier 57 should only be used when the decision for surgery is made during the E/M service, indicating that the E/M service was a key factor in determining the need for the subsequent major surgical procedure.

This modifier helps in appropriate billing and documentation by emphasizing the critical role of the evaluation and management service in the decision-making process for surgery.

For instance, if a patient presents with a condition that requires urgent surgery and the physician performs an evaluation, determines the need for surgery during that encounter, and schedules the surgery, Modifier 57 would be appended to the E/M service code to indicate that the decision for surgery was made during that visit.

Here’s an example scenario illustrating the use of Modifier 57:

Scenario: A patient is seeking assistance from an orthopedic surgeon because of persistent knee pain and instability after experiencing an injury during sports activity. The surgeon conducts a thorough examination of the patient, reviews imaging studies, and discusses various available treatment options. After evaluating the severity of the injury and the failure of non-surgical methods, the surgeon determines that a surgical intervention such as an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction is necessary to restore stability and prevent further damage to the knee.

In this scenario:

  • During the patient’s visit to the orthopedic surgeon, the surgeon performs an evaluation and management (E/M) service to thoroughly examine the knee injury. Based on this assessment, the surgeon concludes that the best course of action to address the knee instability is a major surgical procedure called ACL reconstruction..

To ensure accurate documentation that the decision for the ACL reconstruction surgery was made during the evaluation and management service provided by the orthopedic surgeon, the E/M service code would need to be appended with Modifier 57. This modifier indicates that the E/M service was the reason behind the decision to proceed with the major surgical procedure, thereby highlighting the crucial role of the evaluation in determining the need for surgery.

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